Roast Turkey Breast With Rosemary and Garlic

We LOVED this. and it was SO moist--bordering on unreal! Yummy. Happy to report that all five of us gave this five-stars which by MY math calculations would be the equivalent of 25 stars! Whooeee! Okay, I pressed the garlic, used dry rosemary (lots more than 1/2 tsp), and kept everything else the same. slathered the whole goopy mess on the breast and popped it in the oven. Then basted every *10* minutes. after about an hour I inserted my meat thermometer. and it registered just over 150 degrees. Pulled it out and let rest for about 10 minutes. The meat is still a bit pink in the innermost parts, but oh-so-tender and juicy. We used half the breast for supper and served the drippings with it--yummy-ola! The remainder I chilled and just finished slicing for sandwiches---even COLD this meat looks juicy and delectable. Okay--enough gushing now. Lovely recipe, my daughter (11 yo) just told me we should use ONLY this recipe for Thanksgiving next year! That's pretty high praise! Thanks Gloria for an EXCELLENTLY outstanding recipe. KEEPER.

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This was very good. I followed Debber's recommendation and used about double rosemary. This was very tasty and juicy, even though I forgot to baste. I can't wait to have the leftovers for lunch!

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This is a good recipe. I made deeper slits and inserted seeded sliced jalapeno along with the garlic and added 1/2 reaspoon cumin for a southwest flavor. Yum.

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I am a retired nurse. My husband and I live on an island in Florida and also have a house in Mississippi. We are active traders in the stockmarket. We also have a beautiful new RV and love seeing the good ole USA. Wish we had more time to travel but stay busier now that we are retired than we did when we worked. I love to cook and experiment with recipes. My husband loves to taste and recommend little changes. Life is good.